Conquer the stage

Elevate your skills

Generate revenue

Do you want to conquer the stage, elevate your presentation skills and generate revenue from speaking? Book here for the free two hour in-person workshop.

Book Free 2-hour in-person workshop

I know so many business owners who want to leverage speaking opportunities at events, conferences, or association events to grow their businesses … but they lack confidence, feel others are more highly qualified to do so, and simply do not know how to create an engaging presentation

I know and have seen first hand how speaking powerfully, confidently and authentically is a skill that can be learned which results in…….

Establishing you as the Industry Expert
Building your Personal Brand
Setting you apart from your competitors
Expanding your network

All of which lead to …

Generating REVENUE and

growing your business

If this sounds like something you would like to explore then I invite you to join me.

I will be hosting a FREE 2 hour IN PERSON workshop in Sydney in a couple of weeks where I will be sharing the tips, tools and techniques so you can take your presentations from terrifying to terrific and unleash your speaking potential.

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What will you leave with?

Preparation Techniques: Learn to “Prepare Like a Pro” so you can meet and exceed audience expectations.

Stage Presence: Understand the “M.A.N. Method” to optimize your stage impact.

Structure Your Talk: Apply the “Fantastic 4 Framework” to create a compelling presentation.

Delivery Skills: Enhance your verbal and non-verbal techniques to project confidence and authenticity.

Speaker Success: Strategies for before, during, and after your presentation to ensure you are set up for success on your speaking journey.

Who is
Sarah Bauling?

Having spoken on some of the world’s largest stages and leveraging public speaking to grow my own business in a new country, I can attest to the transformative power of effective presentation skills for you and your business and I would love to share these with you!

With a focus on entrepreneurs and SME’s I have had the privilege of working with local, national and global business owners from a variety of market segments: from Health & Wellness to Technology, Finance, Legal, & Hospitality.